Acupressure therapy is a type of alternative medicine that involves the use of finger pressure to exert beneficial effects on points on the body called acupoints. It is based on the concept of life energy (or chi) flowing through bodies, and that an obstruction in this flow can lead to health problems.
This technique has been used in ancient Chinese medicine for more than 2000 years and has now expanded into a worldwide phenomenon. A study published in Clinical Pediatrics revealed that using acupressure on
Acupressure Therapy is a traditional Chinese treatment that involves applying pressure with the fingers to certain points on the skin which are believed to correspond to different body parts. It is used for treating a variety of health-related issues including but not limited to anxiety, hypertension, headaches and post-traumatic stress. Individuals who are interested in this type of therapy can find Acupressure Therapy Treatment in Mumbai City at various places. Acupressure is a form of alternative medicine, in which pressure is applied to specific points on the body with the intent of promoting health and balance.